Wednesday, November 8, 2023

How Many Pokemon Can You Trade at Once in Pokemon Go?

In the vast world of Pokemon Go, trading is a fundamental aspect that brings trainers together. But how many Pokemon can you actually trade in a single session? Let's dive into the specifics and unravel the mysteries of Pokemon exchange limits.

The Basics of Pokemon Trading

Understanding the foundational rules and regulations set by Niantic for Pokemon trading. 

Trading Mechanism

Exploring the mechanics behind the trading system in Pokemon Go.

The trading mechanism in Pokemon Go involves specific rules and mechanics to facilitate fair and enjoyable exchanges between trainers.

Friendship Requirement: Trainers can only trade Pokemon with friends they've been connected with for at least a day. Once the friendship is established, and they've exchanged a gift, trading becomes possible.

Stardust Cost: Every trade incurs a Stardust cost. Standard trades typically require 100 Stardust, ensuring a resource investment for each exchange.

IV, HP, and CP Changes: When Pokemon are traded, their Individual Values (IVs), Health Points (HP), and Combat Points (CP) may change. However, factors like moves, gender, and size remain unaffected by the trade.

Trade Range: Trainers need to be physically close to each other, within a range of approximately 100 meters, to initiate a trade. This ensures that trades occur between trainers in close proximity in the real world.

Trading Rules

Highlighting the essential rules every trainer must adhere to during a trade. In Pokemon Go, trading is governed by Niantic's rules and regulations, emphasizing both mechanics and essential rules.

Trading Limits in Pokemon Go

Delving into the specific limits imposed on Pokemon trades.

Special Trade Limit Update: The Special Trade limit per day returned to the normal seasonal bonus of 1 additional Special Trade for a total of 2 per day starting June 14, 2023.

Trade Distance: Normally restricted to 100 meters or 300 feet, the trade distance limit can be increased during specific circumstances.

Daily Limit

Daily Trade Limit: Each trainer can make up to 100 trades per day, with no player-related restrictions on the number of trades with one another .

Level Requirement: To trade items in Pokemon Go, players need to be at least level 10 or above.

Trading Limits in Pokemon GO: The limits for trading in Pokemon GO include 1 special trade per day and 100 regular trades per day.

Restrictions on Trading Back: Pokemon GO does not allow trading back a Pokemon or trading a previously traded Pokemon more than once.

Friendship Level Influence

How the level of friendship between trainers affects the trading limits.

The level of friendship between trainers plays a significant role in influencing trading limits in Pokémon Go. Here's how it affects the trading process:

Trading Cost Reduction: As friendship levels increase, the cost of trading decreases. The higher the friendship level, the less Stardust is required for each trade, making it more economical for trainers with stronger bonds.

Special Trades: Friendship levels also impact special trades, which involve Legendary, Shiny, or Pokémon not in both trainers' Pokédex. The higher the friendship level, the lower the Stardust cost for special trades, making these coveted exchanges more accessible for close friends.

IV Reroll Chance: Friendship levels contribute to the odds of obtaining better Individual Values (IVs) during a trade. Higher friendship levels increase the chances of a favorable IV reroll, allowing trainers to potentially improve the stats of traded Pokémon.

Special Events and Bonuses

Discovering how special in-game events can alter the standard trading limits.

Special in-game events in Pokémon Go have the power to modify standard trading limits, providing trainers with unique opportunities and bonuses. 

Here's a breakdown:

Limited-Time Stardust Reduction: During specific events, the Stardust cost for trades may be reduced. This makes trading more accessible and encourages trainers to engage in more exchanges during the event period.

Bonus Candy and XP: Some events offer additional incentives for trades, such as extra Candy and XP. This not only promotes trading but also enhances the overall experience for participating trainers.

Alterations to Special Trade Limits: Special trades, involving Legendary, Shiny, or Pokémon not in both trainers' Pokédex, may experience adjustments during events. Trainers might have the opportunity to complete more special trades than the standard daily limit.

Community Day Bonuses

Community Day events in Pokémon Go come with special bonuses, including increased trading limits. Normally, trainers are restricted in the number of special trades they can perform per day. However, during Community Day, this limit is often expanded, allowing players to engage in more special trades.

The increased trading limits during Community Day serve multiple purposes. They encourage trainers to actively participate in trading, fostering a sense of community and collaboration. Additionally, the temporary removal or adjustment of these limits enhances the overall experience of the event, providing more opportunities for players to exchange special Pokémon.

Trainers can take advantage of these expanded trading limits to swap rare, shiny, or high-IV Pokémon with their friends, making Community Day even more exciting and rewarding.

Friendship Events

Friendship-focused events in Pokémon Go are designed to elevate the trading experience by providing unique bonuses and incentives. These events often introduce reduced Stardust costs for trades, making it more affordable for players to exchange Pokémon with their friends. As the Friendship level between trainers increases during these events, the Stardust required for special trades significantly decreases, encouraging more frequent and diverse exchanges.

Additionally, friendship events may feature other perks, such as increased trade distances, allowing trainers to connect with friends from a greater distance. The emphasis on friendship in these events not only promotes social interactions within the Pokémon Go community but also enhances the overall collaborative spirit of the game.

By participating in friendship events, trainers can take advantage of these bonuses to expand their Pokémon collection, strengthen bonds with in-game friends, and enjoy a more rewarding trading experience.

Maximizing Your Trades

Maximizing your trades in Pokémon GO involves smart strategies to optimize candy gains, trade distances, and increase the chance of obtaining valuable Pokémon. 

Here are key tips:

Utilize Duplicate Pokémon: When trading, prioritize duplicates or Pokémon you have in abundance. This ensures efficient use of trades and maximizes candy gains.

Plan Trade Distances: Take advantage of trade distance mechanics in the game. With proper planning, you can maximize the candy obtained from trades by considering the distance between trade locations.

Understand Pokémon GO Trading Distance: Be aware of the game's trading distance limitations. The maximum distance for a successful trade is 100 meters. Understanding these rules helps you trade effectively.

Consider XL Candies: When aiming to maximize XL candies, evaluate whether transferring or trading is more beneficial. Mirror trades can be effective for generating XL candies through both trade and transfer processes.

Explore Trade Distance Enhancements: Investigate methods to increase your Pokémon GO trade distance, ensuring that you can trade over the maximum distance allowed in the game.

Optimize IVs and Lucky Pokémon: Understand the influence of Friendship Levels on trading outcomes. Trading at higher Friendship Levels increases the chance of obtaining high IVs and Lucky Pokémon.

Prioritizing Pokemon

Choosing the right Pokemon for trades to optimize your inventory.

Selecting the most beneficial Pokémon for trades to optimize your inventory management is crucial in Pokémon GO. 

Here's a guide on prioritizing Pokémon for trades:

Candy Value: Prioritize Pokémon that provide valuable candies, especially for rare or hard-to-find species. This is essential for evolving, powering up, or acquiring XL candies.

Trade Distance: Consider trading Pokémon with friends who are at a significant distance from your location. This helps maximize trade distance bonuses, contributing to increased candy gains.

Friendship Level: Aim to trade with friends at higher Friendship Levels. Friendship bonuses reduce Stardust costs and increase the chances of obtaining Lucky Pokémon, which can be more beneficial for trades.

Battle and Gym Relevance: If your focus is on battling, prioritize Pokémon with high CP and strong movesets. For gym battles or raids, having a diverse team can be advantageous, so consider trading for Pokémon with different types and strengths.

Personal Playstyle: Tailor your trades to align with your playstyle. If you prefer Gym battles, prioritize potions and healing items. For capturing Pokémon, focus on items like Poké Balls. Customize your inventory based on your preferred in-game activities.

Real-world Interaction: Utilize real-world interactions for trading. Hanging out with other trainers in physical proximity enables you to engage in more trades and potentially discover Pokémon with good IVs or rare species.

Planning with Friends

Coordinating with friends in Pokémon GO for strategic trade execution is essential for maximizing benefits. 

Here's a guide on planning with friends for efficient trades:

Friendship Level: Prioritize reaching higher friendship levels with friends. Higher friendship levels reduce Stardust costs for trades and increase the chances of obtaining Lucky Pokémon, offering mutual benefits.

Distance Consideration: While the base trade distance is 100 meters, take advantage of the opportunity to trade with friends who are farther away. Utilize various locations to diversify Pokémon species and optimize trade distance bonuses.

Coordinate Special Trades: Plan and coordinate special trades, as they have higher Stardust costs. Utilize special trades for rare or high-value Pokémon, ensuring both players benefit from the exchange.

Trade Events: Participate in special in-game events that enhance trading opportunities. Events may offer bonuses such as reduced Stardust costs, increased candy gains, or exclusive Pokémon availability, making it an ideal time for strategic trading.

Communication Channels: Establish effective communication channels with friends, such as in-game chat or external messaging apps. Discuss and plan trades, ensuring both parties are aligned on the Pokémon to be exchanged and the benefits involved.

By coordinating trades strategically with friends, Pokémon GO players can optimize Stardust usage, increase the chances of obtaining valuable Pokémon, and enhance the overall trading experience.

Common Trading Pitfalls

Avoiding the common mistakes that trainers often make during trades.

Navigating Pokémon GO trades can be tricky, and trainers often encounter pitfalls. 

Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

Trading Strong Pokémon: Trading powerful Pokémon may seem appealing, but beware of losing valuable Pokémon. Once traded, you can't trade them back to the original owner, leading to potential regrets.

Automation Risks: Trading could motivate automation, where rare Pokémon are caught by automated systems and sold for real money. This poses a threat to the game's integrity and can lead to unfair advantages.

Ignoring Connectivity Issues: An inability to trade might result from connectivity problems. Ensure stable internet connections to avoid frustrating trade failures.

Mythical Pokémon Restrictions: Mythical Pokémon, like Mew and Celebi, cannot be traded. Be aware of these restrictions to avoid disappointment during trade attempts.

Breaking Game Economy: Trading, if not carefully regulated, can disrupt the in-game economy. It's crucial to strike a balance to maintain the game's integrity and fairness.

By steering clear of these common pitfalls, trainers can enhance their trading experience and maintain a fair and enjoyable Pokémon GO environment.

Ignoring Friendship Levels

Ignoring Friendship Levels in Pokémon GO can significantly hinder your trading experience. 

Friendship Levels play a crucial role in various aspects:

Stardust Cost Reduction: Higher Friendship Levels result in reduced Stardust costs for trades. Ignoring this can lead to unnecessary expenses and resource wastage.

Increased Damage in Raids: Building and maintaining friendships enhance your raid performance. Higher Friendship Levels contribute to increased damage output when raiding with friends, making raids more efficient and rewarding.

Better Chance for Strong Pokémon: Friendship Levels directly impact the chances of receiving strong Pokémon during trades. Disregarding Friendship Levels may result in missed opportunities to obtain powerful creatures.

Lucky Pokémon Opportunities: Trading with friends provides a chance to get Lucky Pokémon, which have lower Stardust costs for power-ups. Ignoring Friendship Levels means missing out on the potential benefits of obtaining Lucky Pokémon.

By acknowledging and actively working on improving Friendship Levels, trainers can optimize their trades, save resources, and foster a more collaborative Pokémon GO community.

Trading Too Quickly

The risks associated with trading Pokemon hastily.

Trading Pokémon hastily in Pokémon GO can lead to various risks and negative outcomes:

IV Stat Reroll: Trading involves a random reroll of IV stats that contribute to a Pokémon's CP. Hasty trades may result in unfavorable IV changes, affecting the Pokémon's overall strength.

Loss of Lucky Pokémon Opportunity: Lucky Pokémon, which have reduced Stardust costs for power-ups, are obtained through trading. Quick trades may miss the chance to acquire Lucky Pokémon, limiting potential resource savings.

Undermining Friendship Benefits: Friendship levels play a crucial role in trade efficiency, influencing Stardust costs and chances of obtaining strong Pokémon. Trading hastily may neglect the benefits of higher Friendship Levels.

Entitlement and Expectations: Quick trades sometimes stem from unrealistic expectations or a sense of entitlement. Pokémon GO trading is a feature with inherent limitations, and expecting too much from it may lead to disappointment.

Taking the time to consider the potential consequences and maximizing Friendship Levels can contribute to a more rewarding and successful trading experience.

Future Possibilities

As of now, the Pokémon trading system has undergone various updates and expansions across different platforms, including Pokémon GO and the Pokémon Trading Card Game (TCG). 

While the current state of trading is dynamic, several future possibilities could further enhance the system:

Inter-Game Trading Integration: The potential for a more seamless trading experience between different Pokémon games, allowing players to exchange Pokémon between Pokémon GO, the TCG, and other titles.

Expanded Rarity and Incentives: Introducing new and rare Pokémon to the trading pool, encouraging players to engage in trades by offering unique rewards, exclusive forms, or special abilities.

In-Depth Trading Statistics: Providing players with detailed trading statistics, such as the most traded Pokémon, popular trade routes, and global trading trends, to enhance the social and statistical aspects of trading.

Trading Events and Challenges: Implementing special events and challenges focused on trading, where players can earn rewards by participating in specific trade-related activities or meeting trade-related objectives.

Improved Cross-Platform Compatibility: Enhancing compatibility between different gaming platforms, enabling players to trade Pokémon seamlessly between mobile devices, consoles, and online platforms.

Enhanced Friend Interaction: Adding features that facilitate planning and coordinating trades with friends, including in-game chat, trade history tracking, and collaborative trading goals.

While these possibilities are speculative, they align with the trend of expanding and refining trading systems in Pokémon games. The future holds exciting potential for further innovations and improvements to make trading an even more integral and enjoyable part of the Pokémon experience.

Developer Updates

To keep abreast of any modifications to Pokémon trading limits, it's crucial to stay tuned to Niantic's official announcements and updates. The developer frequently communicates changes, improvements, and bug fixes through various channels, including their official website, social media platforms, and in-game notifications.

Players interested in updates regarding trading limits should regularly check the following sources:

Official Website: Niantic often posts detailed information, patch notes, and updates on their official website. Visit Niantic Labs for the latest news.

Social Media Channels: Niantic utilizes platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to share important announcements. Follow their official accounts for real-time updates.

In-Game Notifications: Keep an eye on in-game notifications and announcements, as Niantic communicates changes directly to players within the Pokémon GO app

Community Forums: Join Pokémon GO community forums, such as The Silph Road on Reddit, where players often discuss and share information about the game, including updates on trading limits.

By staying connected to these channels, trainers can promptly learn about any adjustments, expansions, or restrictions to trading limits as communicated by Niantic.

Community Feedback

Player feedback plays a crucial role in shaping the future developments of Pokémon GO trading. Niantic, the developer of Pokémon GO, actively listens to the concerns, suggestions, and experiences shared by the player community. This feedback loop enables Niantic to identify areas for improvement, address bugs, and implement features that enhance the overall trading experience.

Community feedback can influence several aspects of Pokémon GO trading, including:

Game Mechanics: Suggestions from players may lead to adjustments in trading mechanics, such as trade distances, special trade limitations, and trade evolution requirements.

Bug Fixes: Identifying and reporting bugs related to trading allows Niantic to address issues promptly, ensuring a smoother and more reliable trading system.

New Features: Player input often contributes to the introduction of new features or expansions to existing ones, making trading more engaging and enjoyable.

Balancing: Feedback helps Niantic in balancing the trading system, ensuring fair and enjoyable interactions among players.

Quality of Life Improvements: Suggestions related to the user interface, notifications, and overall user experience can lead to quality of life improvements in trading.

By actively participating in community forums, social media discussions, and providing feedback through official channels, Pokémon GO players can directly impact the evolution of the trading system and contribute to making the game more enjoyable for everyone.

In the ever-evolving world of Pokemon Go, understanding the intricacies of trading limits is crucial for every dedicated trainer. Whether you're aiming to complete your Pokedex or seeking the perfect Pokemon for battle, navigating the trade limits efficiently is the key to success.


Q: Can I exceed the daily trading limit with a special item or event?

A: As of now, there's no item or event that allows trainers to surpass the daily trading limit.

Q: Does trading with a Best Friend have the same limit as with a Good Friend?

A: Yes, the trading limit remains the same regardless of the friendship level.

Q: Are there any Pokemon that cannot be traded?

A: Certain mythical and legendary Pokemon, as well as Pokemon caught through special research, cannot be traded.

Q: Can I trade Pokemon with a player from a different team?

A: Yes, team allegiance does not restrict Pokemon trading.

Q: How often do trading limits get updated by Niantic?

A: Niantic may adjust trading limits during major updates, events, or community days. Keep an eye on official announcements for the latest information.


[1] Reddit - Has there been any indication lately that Niantic listens to...

[2] Petition: Demand Niantic to Extend Pokémon Go Trading Range

[3]Pokémon TCG Live Game Development Team Updates

[4] Trade distance needs to permanently increased or the...

[5]Friend List & Friendship Levels — Pokémon GO Help Center

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